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Noyo Center Talks Science: Sea Otter Savvy

We Were Here: Sea Otter History, Recovery, and Community Outreach 

Guest presenter: Heather Barrett, Science Communication Director & Research Scientist at Sea Otter Savvy

Sea Otter Savvy's We Were Here sea otter program is dedicated to educating communities and stakeholders who are missing sea otters from the historical range. Sea otters did inhabit northern CA and Oregon, are ecologically and culturally significant, and there is increasing discussion regarding range expansion and possible reintroduction. Community awareness and participation is an integral component informing the policy and management actions that lay the framework for the continued recovery and conservation of the southern sea otter. If sea otters are to return to their historical range, stakeholders (including fisheries, industry, tribes, general public and more) need access to engagement opportunities and methods of participating in this discussion.

Heather Barrett’s interest in sea otter conservation and ecology has developed through her undergraduate degree at UC Santa Cruz, internship through the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and graduate research at Moss Landing Marine Laboratories. As the Science Communication Director, Heather refines science communication strategies, oversees creation and promotion of science-related materials, leads science-related media relations, and develops special projects for outreach that supports Sea Otter Savvy’s mission. As the Research Scientist, Heather continues her research interests in mitigating human-sea otter conflicts.


Links to material referenced in the presentation:

Sea Otter Savvy:

USFWS Feasibility Assessment:

We Were Here sea otter program:

Stakeholder survey:

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